Expert Training by 15 Years Experts
Angular Js is a latest technology and current requirement of the companies.For boosting logic in angular js you must go through MVC Framework and components and tools used in angular Js. The Training will be provided by Mr. Umesh Kumar having 10 year experience in Web-development and Mr. Manjit Singh having 15 years experience in Web-technologies. Angular Js is also used in industries in all Technologies like .Net, advance Java, Php Etc. Oops provides angular-js training in chandigarh.
- Importance Of AngularJS
- Key Features Of AngularJS
- Advantages Of AngularJS
- Disadvantages Of AngularJS
- AngularJS Components
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-bind
AngularJS Environment Setup
- AngularJS Download
- GitHub
- Disadvantages Of AngularJS
- AngularJS Components
- ng-app
- ng-model
- ng-bind
MVC Architecture / MVVM
- Model - It is the lowest level of the pattern responsible for maintaining data.
- View - It is responsible for displaying all or a portion of the data to the user.
- Controller - It is a software Code that controls the interactions between the Model and View.
SPA(Single Page Application)
- Architecture Of SPA
First Application
- Load framework
- Define AngularJS Application using ng-app directive
- Define a model name using ng-model directive
- Bind the value of above model defined using ng-bind directive.
- Run AngularJS Application
- ng-app
- ng-bind
- ngBindHTML
- ngBindTemplate
- ngBlur
- ngChange
- ngChecked
- ngClass
- ngClassOdd, ngClassEven
- ngClick
- ngCloak
- ngController
- ngCopy, ngCut
- ngDblClick
- ngDisabled
- ngHide
- ngIf
- ngRepeat
- ngShow
- ngStyle
Custom Directives
- properties
- restrict
- scope
- template
- templateUrl
- controller
- controllerAs
- priority
- link
- compile
- transclude
- Using numbers
- Using Strings
- Using Object
- Using Array
- Controllers Overview
- Uppercase filter
- Lowercase filter
- Currency
- Filter
- Orderby
Angular JS – HTML DOM
- View in Angular JS
- Scope Inheritance
- Creating the Services By:
- Factory
- Service
Design patterns
- Dependency Injection
- Supreme Dependency Injection Mechanism by Angular JS
- Value
- Service
- Provider
- Constant
POC(Proof Of Concept)
Why Choose oops for Angular Js Training in Chandigarh region
- We have tie up with more than 50 companies who directly hire our students.
- we provide on training placement.
- Angular Js is current requirement of the companies in chandigarh, mohali etc.
- Oops provide training since 2005 in all advanced technologies.
- We have tie up with more than 50 companies who directly hire our students.
- we provide on training placement.
- Angular Js is current requirement of the companies in chandigarh, mohali etc.
- Oops provide training since 2005 in all advanced technologies.