Big Data Training in Chandigarh

Expert Training by 15 Years Experts

Oops provides the best big data training in Chandigarh, Mohali with 100% practical.

Training Duration: 6 weeks, 6 months.

Big Data Training with Live Projects and certification.

Big Data Hadoop Course

Big data is data sets that are so voluminous and complex that traditional data processing application software are inadequate to deal with them. Big data challenges include capturing data, data storage, data analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy.

Big Data Hadoop training with certification will make you an expert in HDFS, MapReduce, Hbase, Hive, Pig, Yarn, Oozie, Flume and Sqoop using real-time use cases on Retail, Social Media, Aviation, Tourism, Finance domain. You will get edureka Hadoop certification at the end of the course.

Big Data Hadoop Course Contents



  • Characteristics of Big Data

  • Big data collection and cleanup

  • Why analyze big data

  • Why parallel computing important

  • Various products for handling big data

  • Hadoop Stack

  • Components of Hadoop

Working with HDFS

  • Basic file commands

  • Reading & writing to files

  • Run a word count on a large text file

  • Web based UI

  • View jobs status on Hadoop prompt

  • View jobs status on web UI

  • High availability

  • Federation


  • Architecture

  • Scheduler

  • Resource Manager

  • Yarn Hands On


  • Types of installation (standalone, distributed)

  • Hadoop distributions (Apache, cloudera and hortonworks)

  • Setup linux for Hadoop installation (Java and SSH)

  • Hadoop directory structure

  • XML, masters and slave files

  • Checking system health

  • Block size, replication factor and block health monitoring

  • Benchmarking cluster


  • Superuser

  • Authorization

  • Secure Mode

  • Adding and de-commissioning nodes

  • Secondary NameNode

  • Failover

  • Manage Quotas

  • Enabling Thrash


  • Hadoop infrastructure monitoring

  • Hadoop specific monitoring

  • Install and configure Nagios / Ganglia

  • Capture metrics


  • Use cases of each

  • Hadoop specific monitoring

  • Python


Careers with Big Data

Big Data Training could make a great difference in getting your dream career. Employees with capabilities of handling big data are considered more valuable to the organisation. Hadoop skills are in great demand and thus it is very important for the IT professionals to keep up with the current trend, because the amount of data generated day by day is ever increasing.

According to the Forbes magazine report of 2015, around 80% of the global organisations are reported to make high- or medium-level investments in big data analytics. They consider this investment to be very significant and so they plan to increase their investment in big data analytics.

There are more job opportunities with Hadoop. Looking at the market forecast for Big Data, it looks like the need for Big Data engineers is going to increase. Big Data is here to stay, as the data is ever increasing and does not seem to slow down in the coming years.