Question-21. What is linear searching?

Answer-Linear search tries to find an item in a sequentially arranged data type. These sequentially arranged data items known as array or list, are accessible in incrementing memory location. Linear search compares expected data item with each of data items in list or array. The average case time complexity of linear search is Ο(n) and worst case complexity is Ο(n2). Data in target arrays/lists need not to be sorted.

Question-22. What is binary search?

Answer- A binary search works only on sorted lists or arrays. This search selects the middle which splits the entire list into two parts. First the middle is compared. This search first compares the target value to the mid of the list. If it is not found, then it takes decision on whether.

Question-23. What is bubble sort and how bubble sort works?

Answer- Bubble sort is comparison based algorithm in which each pair of adjacent elements is compared and elements are swapped if they are not in order. Because the time complexity is Ο(n2), it is not suitable for large set of data.

Question-24. What is insertion sort?

Answer- Insertion sort divides the list into two sub-list, sorted and unsorted. It takes one element at time and finds it appropriate location in sorted sub-list and insert there. The output after insertion is a sorted sub-list. It iteratively works on all the elements of unsorted sub-list and inserts them to sorted sub-list in order.

Question-25. What is selection sort?

Answer- Selection sort is in-place sorting technique. It divides the data set into two sub-lists: sorted and unsorted. Then it selects the minimum element from unsorted sub-list and places it into the sorted list. This iterates unless all the elements from unsorted sub-list are consumed into sorted sub-list.

Question-26. How insertion sort and selection sorts are different?

Answer- Both sorting techniques maintains two sub-lists, sorted and unsorted and both take one element at a time and places it into sorted sub-list. Insertion sort works on the current element in hand and places it in the sorted array at appropriate location maintaining the properties of insertion sort. Whereas, selection sort searches the minimum from the unsorted sub-list and replaces it with the current element in hand.

Question-27. What is merge sort and how it works?

Answer- Merge sort is sorting algorithm based on divide and conquer programming approach. It keeps on dividing the list into smaller sub-list until all sub-list has only 1 element. And then it merges them in a sorted way until all sub-lists are consumed. It has run-time complexity of Ο(n log n) and it needs Ο(n) auxiliary space.

Question-28. What is shell sort?

Answer- Shell sort can be said a variant of insertion sort. Shell sort divides the list into smaller sublist based on some gap variable and then each sub-list is sorted using insertion sort. In best cases, it can perform upto Ο(n log n).

Question-29.How quick sort works?

Answer- Quick sort uses divide and conquer approach. It divides the list in smaller ‘partitions’ using ‘pivot’. The values which are smaller than the pivot are arranged in the left partition and greater values are arranged in the right partition. Each partition is recursively sorted using quick sort.

Question-30. What is a graph?

Answer- A graph is a pictorial representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links. The interconnected objects are represented by points termed as vertices, and the links that connect the vertices are called edges.