Question-51. What is the purpose of NODE_ENV?
Question-52. List the various Node.js timing features.
Answer- As you prepare for your upcoming job interview, we hope that this comprehensive guide has provided more insight into what types of questions you’ll be asked.
Question-53. What is WASI, and why is it being introduced?
Answer- The WASI class implements the WASI system called API and extra convenience methods for interacting with WASI-based applications. Every WASI instance represents a unique sandbox environment. Each WASI instance must specify its command-line parameters, environment variables, and sandbox directory structure for security reasons.
Question-54. What is a first-class function in Javascript?
Answer- First-class functions are a powerful feature of JavaScript that allows you to write more flexible and reusable code. In Node.js, first-class functions are used extensively in asynchronous programming to write non-blocking code.
Question-55. How do you manage packages in your Node.Js project?
Answer- Managing packages in your Node.js project is done using the Node Package Manager (NPM), which allows you to install and manage third-party packages and create and publish your packages.
Question-56. How is Node.js better than other frameworks?
Answer- Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine, the same engine that powers Google Chrome. It makes Node.js very fast and efficient, as well as highly scalable.
Question-57. What is a fork in node JS?
Answer- The Fork method in Node.js creates a new child process that runs a separate Node.js instance and can be useful for running CPU-intensive tasks or creating a cluster of Node.js servers.
Question-58. List down the two arguments that async. First, does the queue take as input?
Answer- The async.queue function in Node.js takes two arguments as input: a worker function and an optional concurrency limit. It is used to create a task queue executed in parallel.
Question-59. What is the purpose of the module.exports?
Answer- The module. exports object in Node.js is used to export functions, objects, or values from a module and is returned as the value of the require() function when another module requires a module.
Question-60. What tools can be used to assure consistent code style?
Answer- In summary, several tools can be used in Node.js to ensure consistent code style and improve code quality, including ESLint, Prettier, and Jest.