React State
Every component in react has a built-in state object, which contains all the property values that belong to that component.
In other words, the state object controls the behaviour of a component. Any change in the property values of the state object leads to the re-rendering of the component.
Note- State object is not available in functional components but, we can use React Hooks to add state to a functional component.
As one can see in the code above, we can use the state by calling this.state.propertyName and we can change the state object property using setState method.
React Props
Every React component accepts a single object argument called props (which stands for “properties”). These props can be passed to a component using HTML attributes and the component accepts these props as an argument.
Using props, we can pass data from one component to another.
Passing props to a component:
While rendering a component, we can pass the props as an HTML attribute:
function MyCar(props) {
let [brand, setBrand] = useState(props.brand);
Note- Props are read-only. They cannot be manipulated or changed inside a component.
Question-12. Explain about types of side effects in React component.
Answer- There are two types of side effects in React component. They are:
Effects without Cleanup: This side effect will be used in useEffect which does not restrict the browser from screen update. It also improves the responsiveness of an application. A few common examples are network requests, Logging, manual DOM mutations, etc.
Effects with Cleanup: Some of the Hook effects will require the cleanup after updating of DOM is done. For example, if you want to set up an external data source subscription, it requires cleaning up the memory else there might be a problem of memory leak. It is a known fact that React will carry out the cleanup of memory when the unmounting of components happens. But the effects will run for each render() method rather than for any specific method. Thus we can say that, before execution of the effects succeeding time the React will also cleanup effects from the preceding render.
Question-13. What is prop drilling in React?
Answer- Sometimes while developing React applications, there is a need to pass data from a component that is higher in the hierarchy to a component that is deeply nested. To pass data between such components, we pass props from a source component and keep passing the prop to the next component in the hierarchy till we reach the deeply nested component.
The disadvantage of using prop drilling is that the components that should otherwise be not aware of the data have access to the data.
Question-14. What are error boundaries?
Answer- Introduced in version 16 of React, Error boundaries provide a way for us to catch errors that occur in the render phase.
What is an error boundary?
Any component which uses one of the following lifecycle methods is considered an error boundary.
In what places can an error boundary detect an error?
In the code above, when the counterValue equals 2, we throw an error inside the render method.
When we are not using the error boundary, instead of seeing an error, we see a blank page. Since any error inside the render method leads to unmounting of the component. To display an error that occurs inside the render method, we use error boundaries.
With error boundaries: As mentioned above, error boundary is a component using one or both of the following methods: static getDerivedStateFromError and componentDidCatch.
Let’s create an error boundary to handle errors in the render phase:
Answer- React Hooks are the built-in functions that permit developers for using the state and lifecycle methods within React components. These are newly added features made available in React 16.8 version. Each lifecycle of a component is having 3 phases which include mount, unmount, and update. Along with that, components have properties and states. Hooks will allow using these methods by developers for improving the reuse of code with higher flexibility navigating the component tree.Using Hook, all features of React can be used without writing class components. For example, before React version 16.8, it required a class component for managing the state of a component. But now using the useState hook, we can keep the state in a functional component.
Question-16. Explain React Hooks.
Answer- What are Hooks? Hooks are functions that let us “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from a functional component.React Hooks cannot be used in class components. They let us write components without class.
Why were Hooks introduced in React?
React hooks were introduced in the 16.8 version of React. Previously, functional components were called stateless components. Only class components were used for state management and lifecycle methods. The need to change a functional component to a class component, whenever state management or lifecycle methods were to be used, led to the development of Hooks.
Example of a hook: useState hook:
In functional components, the useState hook lets us define a state for a component:
function MyPerson(props) {
// We are declaring a state variable called name.
// setName is a function to update/change the value of name
let [name, setName] = useState('');
The state variable “name” can be directly used inside the HTML.
Question-17. What are the rules that must be followed while using React Hooks?
Answer- There are 2 rules which must be followed while you code with Hooks:
React Hooks must be called only at the top level. It is not allowed to call them inside the nested functions, loops, or conditions.
It is allowed to call the Hooks only from the React Function Components.
Question-18. What is the use of useEffect React Hooks?
Answer- The useEffect React Hook is used for performing the side effects in functional components. With the help of useEffect, you will inform React that your component requires something to be done after rendering the component or after a state change. The function you have passed(can be referred to as “effect”) will be remembered by React and call afterwards the performance of DOM updates is over. Using this, we can perform various calculations such as data fetching, setting up document title, manipulating DOM directly, etc, that don’t target the output value. The useEffect hook will run by default after the first render and also after each update of the component. React will guarantee that the DOM will be updated by the time when the effect has run by it.The useEffect React Hook will accept 2 arguments: useEffect(callback,[dependencies]);
Where the first argument callback represents the function having the logic of side-effect and it will be immediately executed after changes were being pushed to DOM. The second argument dependencies represent an optional array of dependencies. The useEffect() will execute the callback only if there is a change in dependencies in between renderings.
import { useEffect } from 'react';
function MyWelcomeGreetings({ name }) {
const msg = `Hi, ${name}!`; // Calculates output
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `Welcome to you ${name}`; // Side-effect!
}, [name]);
return <div>{msg}</div>; // Calculates output
The above code will update the document title which is considered to be a side-effect as it will not calculate the component output directly. That is why updating of document title has been placed in a callback and provided to useEffect().
Consider you don’t want to execute document title update each time on rendering of MyWelcomeGreetings component and you want it to be executed only when the name prop changes then you need to supply name as a dependency to useEffect(callback, [name]).
Question-19. Why do React Hooks make use of refs?
Answer- Earlier, refs were only limited to class components but now it can also be accessible in function components through the useRef Hook in React.The refs are used for:
Managing focus, media playback, or text selection.
Integrating with DOM libraries by third-party.
Triggering the imperative animations.
Question-20. What are Custom Hooks?
Answer- A Custom Hook is a function in Javascript whose name begins with ‘use’ and which calls other hooks. It is a part of React v16.8 hook update and permits you for reusing the stateful logic without any need for component hierarchy restructuring.In almost all of the cases, custom hooks are considered to be sufficient for replacing render props and HoCs (Higher-Order components) and reducing the amount of nesting required. Custom Hooks will allow you for avoiding multiple layers of abstraction or wrapper hell that might come along with Render Props and HoCs.
The disadvantage of Custom Hooks is it cannot be used inside of the classes.